David Born


Hi everybody! Houston actor and 35-year SAG-AFTRA member David Born here reaching out to give my official endorsement to our member, Nick Nicholson as our SAG-AFTRA Austin - Houston Local National Board Member.

We need Nick on this National Board now more than ever. Nick is a consummate professional. He understands the business workings of our Union like no one does. He’s already raised $1.2 million* for local film production here locally; and that’s just the tip of the iceberg for what Nick Nicholson can bring to us here locally.

He’s a guy who really understands what he’s doing. He goes all in with what he does. He is a person who works in the business and it’s not just about him getting jobs, he wants to make sure everyone works.

Ladies and gentlemen, fellow members, please vote for Nick Nicholson. Let’s bring more work back to Southeast Texas for all Union Members.

So please vote for Nick of course, as our SAG-AFTRA National Board Member. He’s also running for our 1st VP Houston - Austin Local, Board Member Houston - Austin Local, and our Convention Delegate for 2023.

Nick Nicholson understands what’s going on, guys. I know this guy quite well. After 35 years of being in the Union it’s great to see people like Nick who want to step up and go to work for everyone. So please get out and vote; and vote for Nick Nicholson. He has my endorsement!