Hello, to all of the Houston - Austin SAG-AFTRA members.

My name is Nick Nicholson, and Iā€™m asking for your vote for the positions of National Board Member, as well as that of Convention Delegate.

These are extremely trying times right now as we are on strike right now for all of us as we're on strike against the AMPTP. With all of us banding together in solidarity, we will have the power behind our words, our picket signs, and our knowledge that we will win this fight. But we have to do our due diligence and not just look at the here and now. We need to look forward to insure that what our Houston - Austin Local needs is indeed achieved once the strike is resolved in our favor.

When that time presents itself we need to ensure that we have a National Board Member providing a strong voice that bellows to the rooftops that the Houston - Austin Local does matter and that our members both deserve and demand respect across the country.

We need to do everything that we can to eliminate the regional bias that exists across our local as well as other small locals across the country. We can achieve this by banding together in caucus and working together with the other Locals.

With AI on the horizon, we must get in front of it before things get even more drastically out of hand. And most of all, we need workā€¦here, in our local.

This is why itā€™s critical to have someone in the National Board position that has not just the experience, but the relationships to help pull the jobs back to the Houston - Austin Local.

As a working actor that has over 23 projects under his belt in the past handful of years, with your help, I know that I can be successful in achieving this goal. And not just for us, but for every card-carrying SAG-AFTRA member in our country.

My name is Nick Nicholson and I humbly ask for your vote so that we can get the Houston - Austin Local working again.

Thank you!

Elect Nick W. Nicholson for National Board SAG-AFTRA Houston - Austin Local | I will continue working to bring jobs for all of us in the South Texas area.
Historic movie theater in black and white
Nick Nicholson on set holding black notepad
ā€œI am excited to ask for your support for the National Board position. As a long-standing member, I understand the challenges we face in a right to work state. I have been facilitating project funding that has now totaled more than $2.1 million dollars for 13 movies to be made, employing countless members in the process. I believe that itā€™s critical to have a National Board member that is strong and has the endorsements and connections to pull the work back to Texas. I would be honored to receive your vote so that I may continue to successfully serve you!ā€
— Nick W. Nicholson

Endorsements for Nick W. Nicholson